Ewald Keksel
Author One1, Author Two2, Author Three3
1Institute One
2Institute Two
3Institute Three
E-Mail: xxx@yyy.xy
Please use this template for the abstract (Text: Arial 11 pt, single spaced). Title (Arial 14 pt, bold), authors, affiliation and E-mail address of the corresponding author (all Arial 11 pt) are centered. Please underline the presenting author. Limit your abstract to one page within this template format. You can include one figure to further illustrate your research idea. Citations can be included in the following way [1,2,3].
[1] A. One., A. Two, A. Three, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1, 1 (2000).
[2] A. One., A. Two, A. Three, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 1 (2000).
[3] A. One., A. Two, A. Three, Phys. Rev. Lett. 3, 1 (2000).