Jul 10 – 14, 2023
Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Triangle Counting with Local Edge Differential Privacy

Jul 14, 2023, 12:10 PM
Seminar Room 5 (HNF)

Seminar Room 5



Talya Eden


Talya Eden, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Quanquan C. Liu and Adam Smith

Abstract: Many deployments of differential privacy in industry are in the local model, where each party releases its private information via a differentially private randomizer. We study triangle counting in the
noninteractive and interactive local model with edge differential privacy (that, intuitively, requires that
the outputs of the algorithm on graphs that differ in one edge be indistinguishable). In this model, each
party’s local view consists of the adjacency list of one vertex.
In the noninteractive model, we prove that additive $\Omega(n^2)$ error is necessary, where n is the number
of nodes. This lower bound is our main technical contribution. It uses a reconstruction attack with a
new class of linear queries and a novel mix-and-match strategy of running the local randomizers with
different completions of their adjacency lists. It matches the additive error of the algorithm based
on Randomized Response, proposed by Imola, Murakami and Chaudhuri (USENIX2021) and analyzed
by Imola, Murakami and Chaudhuri (CCS2022) for constant ε. We use a different postprocessing of
Randomized Response and provide tight bounds on the variance of the resulting algorithm.
In the interactive setting, we prove a lower bound of $\Omega(n^{3/2})$ on the additive error. Previously, no
hardness results were known for interactive, edge-private algorithms in the local model, except for those
that follow trivially from the results for the central model. Our work significantly improves on the state
of the art in differentially private graph analysis in the local model.

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