Gramoz Goranci
Gramoz Goranci and Monika Henzinger
Abstract: We show an $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithm for maintaining maximum $s$-$t$ flow under $m$ edge insertions in $m^{1/2+o(1)} \epsilon^{-1/2}$ amortized update time for directed, unweighted graphs. This constitutes the first sublinear dynamic maximum flow algorithm in general sparse graphs with arbitrarily good approximation guarantee.
Furthermore we give an algorithm that maintains an exact maximum $s$-$t$ flow under $m$ edge insertions in an $n$-node graph in $\tilde{O}(n^{5/2})$ total update time. For sufficiently dense graphs, this gives to the first exact incremental algorithm with sub-linear amortized update time for maintaining maximum flows.