Track A-1: Efficient algorithms (+ parameterized complexity)
- Hans Bodlaender (Session Chair)
Track A-1: AGT/Social choice
- Anna Karlin (Session Chair)
Track A-1: Approximation Algorithms
- Fabrizio Grandoni (Session Chair)
Track A-1: Quantum computing
- Alexandru Gheorghiu (Session Chair)
Track A-1: Dynamic algorithms
- Thatchaphol Saranurak (Session Chair)
Track A-1: Efficient algorithms
- Rasmus Kyng (Session Chair)
Benjamin Aram Berendsohn,
Laszlo Kozma
7/14/23, 10:30 AM
Benjamin Aram Berendsohn, Ishay Golinsky, Haim Kaplan and Laszlo Kozma
Abstract: Search trees on trees (STTs) generalize the fundamental binary search tree (BST) data structure: in STTs the underlying search space is an arbitrary tree, whereas in BSTs it is a path. An optimal BST of size $n$ can be computed for a given distribution of queries in $O(n^2)$ time [Knuth, Acta Inf. 1971] and...