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Jul 10 – 14, 2023
Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF)
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Communication Complexity of Set Intersection under Product Distributions

Jul 12, 2023, 11:20 AM
F0.530 (HNI)




Tal Roth


Rotem Oshman and Tal Roth

Abstract: We consider a multiparty setting where $k$ parties have private inputs $X_1,\ldots,X_k \subseteq [n]$ and wish to compute the intersection $\bigcap_{\ell=1}^k X_{\ell}$ of their sets, using as little communication as possible. This task generalizes the well-known problem of set disjointness, where the parties are required only to determine whether the intersection is empty or not.
In the worst-case, it is known that the communication complexity of finding the intersection is the same as that of solving set disjointness, regardless of the size of the intersection: the cost of both problems is $\Omega\left(n \log k + k\right)$ bits in the shared blackboard model, and $\Omega \left(n k\right)$ bits in the coordinator model.

In this work we consider a realistic setting where the parties' inputs are independent of one another, that is, the input is drawn from a product distribution. We show that this makes finding the intersection significantly easier than in the worst-case: only $\tilde{\Theta}( (n^{1-1/k} \left(H(S) + 1\right)^{1/k}) + k)$ bits of communication are required, where ${H}(S)$ is the Shannon entropy of the intersection $S$. We also show that the parties do not need to exactly know the underlying input distribution; if we are given in advance $O(n^{1/k})$
samples from the underlying distribution $\mu$, we can learn enough about $\mu$ to allow us to compute the intersection of an input drawn from $\mu$ using expected communication $\tilde{\Theta}( (n^{1-1/k}E[|{S}|]^{1/k}) + k)$, where $|{S}|$ is the size of the intersection.

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